take the leap travel;




This best guide to Australia aims to give you the up to date and in-depth possible information for your trip to Australia with in depth locations, places to eat, best ways to save money and things to see and do.

You can use ‘Best Guides to Australia’ whether you are planning on staying for a few days, to a week, to a permanent stay.

For any further information please email me or leave a comment and I will do my best to come up with an answer for you.

The Ultimate Guide To Australia


Getting Started In Australia

getting started in australia

The Top 9 Things To See And Do Australia

the top 9 things to see and do in australia

The Top 10 Bars In Melbourne

the top 10 bars in Melbourne

The Top 10 Places To Eat In Melbourne

the top 10 best places to eat in Melbourne

What Is Gravity Floating and Cryo Freezing – Melbourne

what is gravity float and cry freezing