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    Media,  Travel

    9 Ways Travelling Can Help You Get a Job

    How Travel Can Help You Become More Employable ⇷☓⇸ Its bound to happen. When you travel you are quite likely to change in more ways than one. Mentally, physically, emotionally. You are exposed to so many new environments and situations that it would be hard not to change, and these skills are exactly what employers look for in their employees. The main skill sets that travelling can offer you are: 1. Social Skills Whilst travelling on your own or with someone you learn to either become more introvert or force yourself to be extrovert. You want to make friends and fight off that loneliness and so you strike up conversations…

  • the best travel insurance
    Accommodation,  Food,  Media,  Tech & Gear,  Travel

    14 Tips on how to save for your trip

    Saving For Your Trip ⇷☓⇸ Planning for any trip no matter how short or long it may be will require money. The amount of travel blogs I see online saying just do it, quit your job and go is insane. Its all good and well if you have parents who can back you up with funds for the majority of us that isn’t the case. It is really important to know how to save so that you can be as comfortable as possible whilst you’re out there living your adventure. You don’t want to be that one person who hasn’t got enough to do everything they want to do. Think…